Meeting attendance

Wednesday 18 September 2024 10.30 am, Standards and Governance Committee

Venue:   The Bainbridge Room, The Copeland Centre, Catherine Street, Whitehaven CA28 7SJ

Contact:    Rachel Plant, Democratic Services Manager

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Graham Minshaw Chair Apologies
Councillor Tim Pickstone Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Gillian Troughton Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Jeanette Forster Committee Member Present
Councillor Mike Mitchelson Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Christopher Southward Committee Member Present
Councillor Stephen Stoddart Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Bob Kelly Substitute Present as substitute
Steven Tweedie Council Staff In attendance
Mary Grimshaw Officer In attendance
Rachel Plant Democratic Services In attendance