Issue details

Permission to procure a Customer Specific (ref 01/SL/24) Service under the Open Framework Agreement for Supported Living for People with a Learning Disability, Mental Health Problem, Autism or a physical/sensory impairment

To grant permission to procure a new Service under the Open Framework Agreement for Supported Living for People with a Learning Disability, Mental Health Problem, Autism or a physical/sensory impairment. The indicative term is 10 years as the service is relates to a Customer’s home therefore will be required indefinitely, based on current needs. The estimated contract value is £2,275,000 take account of inflationary uplifts based on a ten year term. Decision includes delegation of contract award to the Director of Adult Social Care and Housing

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public  -

OSCtte: People Overview and Scrutiny Committee;

Decision due: Between 1 Nov 2024 and 1 Dec 2024 by Portfolio Holder - Adults and Community Health

Lead member: Portfolio Holder - Adults and Community Health

Lead director: Director of Adult Social Care and Housing

Contact: Russell Maddams, Commissioning Manager Email: Email:


Supported Living Framework providers will be made aware of this opportunity via a planned market engagement event before the ITT documents are uploaded on to the Northwest Procurement Platform (Chest.)