33 Delegated decision to Directors to award tender PDF 202 KB
(Key Decision)
To consider the delegation to award the contract for Acceptance of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Street Sweepings, Bulky Waste, Fly Tipped Waste and Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating (WUDS) waste in the Kendal area to Directors alongside consultation with the portfolio holders.
(copy report attached)
(Key Decision)
Portfolio: Sustainable, Resilient and Connected Place
Relevant Scrutiny: Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee
The Waste Service Lead, Waste Management (Cumberland Council) presented a report requesting the delegation to award the contract for Acceptance of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Street Sweepings, Bulky Waste, Fly Tipped Waste and Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating (WUDS) waste in the Kendal area to Directors alongside consultation with the portfolio holders.
The Waste Service Lead, Waste Management (Cumberland Council) reported that The Council (formerly Cumbria County Council) entered into a 25-year PPP agreement with Renewi Cumbria Ltd on 4 June 2009 (the Contract) for the delivery of waste management services on behalf of the Council as a Waste Disposal Authority. The new contractor would be required to work with Renewi Cumbria Ltd to facilitate the transfer of waste in accordance with the long-term residual waste treatment contract.
Following Local Government Reorganisation (LGR), Cumberland (CC) and
Westmorland & Furness Councils (W&FC) had entered into a Waste Inter Authority Agreement (WIAA) for the Cumbria wide management of waste disposal services and ancillary contracts.
Cumberland Council as Host Council carried out various contract duties on behalf of itself and Westmorland and Furness Council including the Kendal Fell Contract. The Waste Service Lead, Waste Management (Cumberland Council) detailed the history of the contract and the changes to the contract which had resulted in the proposed procurement.
In response to a question the Chief Legal Officer and Monitoring Officer (Cumberland Council) clarified that the award of the tender would be submitted to the Joint Executive for decision should the result of the tender be out with the scope or proposed funding.
The Deputy Leader (Cumberland Council) moved the recommendations, and the Leader (Westmorland and Furness Council) seconded the recommendations.
Alternative Options: not to agree the delegation; arrange a special meeting to award the contract; bring the award of contract to the November meeting.
That the Joint Executive Committee delegated the award of the contract for Acceptance of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Street Sweepings, Bulky Waste, Fly Tipped Waste and Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating (WUDS) waste in the Kendal area to the Director of Place, Sustainable Growth and Transport in Cumberland Council (as Host Council), such decision to be agreed with the Director of Thriving Places at Westmorland & Furness Council following consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders for each Council.
Reason for Decision:
To deliver excellent high performing services.